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Debbie Stabenow - Senior Senator for Michigan, 2001-2024

Senator Stabenow receives an A- for her continued support of neuroscience funding. As a member of the NIH caucus and a member of the Committee on the Budget, Committee on Finance, and the Subcommittee on Health Care (Ranking), she has a large influence over federal spending. We applaud her efforts in focused deeply on increasing funding for Alzheimer’s research. To improve her grade, the senator could co-sponsor additional funding efforts for neuroscience funding more generally. 

“I am a huge supporter of research and development. Most of the primary, basic research is done by all of us as taxpayers.” 

Co-sponsored: S.775 - Scientific Integrity Act

Co-sponsored: S.1126 - Concentrating on High-value Alzheimer's Needs to Get to an End (CHANGE) Act of 2019

Co-sponsored: S.901 - Younger Onset Alzheimer's Disease Act

Co-sponsored: S.427 - Autism CARES Act of 2019

Co-sponsored: S.Res. 29: A resolution expressing support for the designation of a “Women’s Health Research Day”.

Signed BRAIN initiative Dear Colleague letter

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Gary Peters - Junior Senator for Michigan, 2015-2020

Senator Peters earns our B+ grade for his support of science as a member of the NIH caucus and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, where he has a role in determining the NSF budget. While Senator Peters is supportive of science funding increases, his focus is more strongly on technology than on neuroscience. He could improve his grade by joining his colleagues in the NIH caucus and signing onto or leading bills that support neuroscience.

“Without a substantial increase in research and development appropriations, the United States risks losing its role as the global leader in innovation.”

Co-sponsored: S.1067 - Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act of 2019

Co-sponsored: S.153 - Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act

Co-sponsored: S.427 - Autism CARES Act of 2019