
Mark Warner - Senior Senator for Virginia, 2009-2020

Senator Warner receives our C grade, as he has not sponsored or co-sponsored any relevant legislation this session, signed any Dear Colleague letter, or joined the NIH caucus. While he has said positive things about NIH funding, this sentiment is not useful without any support in congress to back it up.  

“It would be a total disaster both locally and nationally to cut NIH funding. It provides the basic research around cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes — things that drive up the costs of our healthcare system”

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Timothy “Tim” Kaine - Junior Senator for Virginia, 2013-2024

Senator Kaine receives our B grade for lukewarm support of neuroscience. His support of expanding cannabinoid research and expanding STEM career access is positive, but otherwise he has demonstrated relatively low support. While he signed the NIH funding Dear Colleague letter, he is against using embryonic stem cells for research, which harms neuroscience. Because he is a member of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions which determines NIH funding, this is also a concern to us. 

Total bills are listed below 

Co-sponsored: S.2032 - Cannabidiol and Marihuana Research Expansion Act

Co-sponsored: S.1117 - Gateway to Careers Act of 2019