John Cornyn - Senior Senator for Texas, 2002-2020
While Senator Cornyn has publicly stated he supports research, and historically has backed that support with legislation like the America COMPETES Act, which aimed to double NSF funding. However, his recent troubling statements in a hearing on NIH-funded research security displayed a willingness to block funds unless the NIH meets his security standards. As the senate majority whip, Senator Cornyn has a reasonably high sway over funding for research. The senator could improve his grade joining the NIH caucus and aiming to increase federal funding for research once again, instead of threatening to block it.
“I simply will not be able to vote in good conscience for any taxpayer dollars to be used for research at public institutions unless these institutions up their game significantly, and can give us some confidence that those taxpayer dollars are not only being well spent in research and development but that research information is not being stolen right under our nose”
Co-sponsored: S.901 - Younger Onset Alzheimer's Disease Act
Co-sponsored: S.153 - Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act
Ted Cruz - Junior Senator for Texas, 2013-2024
Senator Cruz receives has not sponsored or co-sponsored any pro-neuroscience bill this session. He has repeatedly criticised increases in non-discretionary funding that in part funds the NIH and NSF. As an architect of automatic sequestration, he supported legislation that effectively slashed NIH/NSF budgets by over 25% over 8 years, and has repeatedly been willing to shut down NIH/NSF functions to shut down the government, creating disruptions in science funding. While he claimed on the campaign trail during 2016 he wanted to increase Alzheimer’s research funding by an unspecified amount, he did not follow this claim up with any sponsored or co-sponsored legislation.
“The current regulatory system is blocking Americans’ access to critical drugs, medical devices, and treatments that are already saving and improving lives in other trusted countries”